What is the crucial difference between conventional implantology and the Simpladent® method?

Conventional implantology with 2-stage implants needs a lot of bone, time, and money. Often, patients don’t have enough bone, so they may need bone augmentation, sinus lift surgery, or risky bone transplants.

The whole process involves waiting, healing, and high costs. That’s where Simpladent® implantology shines. It’s fast, reliable, and predictable.
Even patients with very little bone can get immediate treatment with polished, single-piece, cortical-basal implants. Our method only needs cortical bone areas, which everyone has enough of in their jaw.

These stable areas are perfect for implants and are available in almost every patient’s jaw throughout their life. The Strategic® Implant can be loaded right away.
With Simpladent®, the dangerous infection peri-implantitis isn’t a concern.

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